Please click on each of the tabs below to learn how to use the Quick Search and Advanced Search.
The Search widget located on your Dashboard allows you to search forms or tasks by:
- Form ID number, or key words
- Status:
- All
- All Open: Relates to any forms/tasks that have yet to be reviewed and finalised.
- Draft: Forms/tasks that have been partially completed and the status has not been changed to 'Active' or 'Finalised'.
- Active: Forms/tasks that been been submitted and are going through an approval process.
- Finalised: Forms that have been approved/finalised and are closed.
- Type: All, Tasks or Forms
Please note:
- The Quick Search is limited to 30 items in this view.
- Your search results will only include the forms or tasks that you have submitted/completed.
- Only the Owner or Manager of forms or tasks can perform searches on all forms or tasks.
The Advanced Search can be accessed by:
Clicking on the 'Full Screen' icon in the Search Widget.
Using Advanced Search
From this view you are able to select the same filters as the Quick Search or click the 'Advanced Search' to display additional filters:
- Form Name
- Date form created
Please Note
- Your search results will only include the forms or tasks that you have submitted/completed.
- Only the Owner or Manager of forms or tasks can perform searches on all forms or tasks.